Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Can't bear it

Hello fellow family, friends and err other people I know..

It's has been like what?
almost 1 week since the mourning period??
Well, as to express my true feelings...(that is going to go public)
I can't go on...Well I can but it'll take time I guess...
*sigh* Well as you saw the comments...on the cbox..
Guess it's normal to feel like this?( err *ahem excuse me*)
I don't really know..
Hey guys? to those who put those comments on the cbox containing the pass of their family members? I am very sorry too...And sorry to trouble you guys...others to for the comfort and support thanks too..REEAALLYY appreciate it :-)

I have 'nada' mood to say happy things right now...all I think about is her....

well enough about me I have to just move on and be happy she rest in peace and is in heaven...
well thats all I have to say...keep voting on the charts!! ^^

And how's evryone's lives???
leave a comment..:-)


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