Saturday, September 13, 2008

Ahhh.....Something from my world and something from my heart (Yea I know LAME)

Wussup everyboday....
sorry I didn't update this blog 4 so long..
anyways I crossed the "moving on" part already..
so I guess everything's cool...

Oh wait! NOT!
**** 1 more thing to do,
Deco me class 4 hari kemerdekaan on Monday..
sounds easy eh?
well it's not actually..
see, as all of us does the hard work on the decorating thingy..
the mornin' session that is sharing the class with us RUINS EVERYTHING!!
GAH-BUH-HUMBUG, curse those people.

And then the next day we start all over again.

And then they tear it down,
and we start all over,
and then....well you get the drift.
Moreover, the scoring day is also on Monday..
*sigh* *Goin' crazy and smashing head on keyboard*

Well my fellow mates of 1 Bayan..any smart ideas??
Anything will do.
*sigh* me..
Oh yea, and the others who stayed back and risk their lives for missing their transport? Thanks a bunch...I owe you guys...
psst*hey* can you help me on Monday too??*

Well that's all i gotta say...
Thanks for tuning in...
So long and goodday!
*curtain shuts abruptly*

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